Quantum Leap of Faith
“You will be speaking on platforms; You are a commodity to the world.” These words that shook me out of my slumber four years ago are finally ready to manifest. So after being laid off and thrown into the unknown, back when the whole world was shut down, I received a divine revelation that I was destined for something greater. My life wasn’t meant to be sitting behind a computer screen, hidden in the shadows of the production dungeon. No, I came here to be seen— not for my own glory, but to share the wisdom, gifts, and talents that God has instilled in me for my mission.
I had to face my darkness, shining light on invisible wounds from rejection, abandonment, and neglect to reveal the true essence of who I am. My journey from the weirdo wallflower, battling social anxiety and a chronic need to please others to becoming a way-shower for those seeking the Divine was not for the weak.
“God will not have His work made manifest by cowards.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
There were so many times I wanted to throw the towel in! I would rather stay safe and sound in my little shell, like a true Virgo hermit. But I know I didn’t go through all these ego deaths and rebirths just to keep it to myself. As I shift from being a truth seeker to truth teller, I have to pause and reflect on how far I’ve come before I leap into the promised land.
I remember a time when I would hide in my office until the coast was clear and my coworkers went home, just to avoid the awkwardness of saying goodbye to everyone. The conversations I had with my stomach when I chose not to eat just to make sure I didn’t have to speak to humans. To little Lain Lain who used to skip recess so she wouldn’t have to sit on the sandbox by herself…look at us now, baby! I’m standing proudly in my truth, using my unique voice to advocate for what I believe in and serve God with every gift He’s blessed me with. Whether it’s singing, rapping, writing, animating, or a gift that hasn’t been uncovered yet, I’m here to let my light shine for the world to see.
As I take this quantum leap of faith into my highest timeline, I pray that I land in a space where people live in harmony, enveloped in love and peace…a place where everyone is living out their Divine purpose, serving God with all their heart…where there is no judgment and authenticity reigns supreme. I know this heaven exists just on the other side of my doubts and fears, and I’m ready to leap into my freedom.
So watch out world…here goes EVERYTHING!

Stay tuned to see what happens next friends.