‘Twas a new moon in Aries,
Not a Fuck in sight,
As I sat at my desk
Fighting for my life.
Deadlines were missed,
Daydreamin’ in meetin’s,
So I left it all behind
And jumped to my freedom.
So listen, y’all, the day I decided to quit my job, the stars were definitely in kahoots, screaming, “This is NOT supposed to be your life!” I woke up that day with a heavy energy of “F*** this!” a feeling I’d been suppressing for months, but that particular morning I couldn’t ignore the urge to risk it all. The burnout was real, and I was tired of toiling away at something that was completely unfulfilling, while God was tugging me in another direction. Ignoring those divine nudges was becoming harder and harder.
It was time to make a choice: jump into the unknown and grab what’s behind door number one —my Destiny, or continue dragging my Spirit through five days of torture, waiting for a savior to take me out of my misery. My entire paycheck vanished every 2 weeks, and let me tell you, I wasn’t even keeping my head above water. I was drowning in a sea of responsibilities.
So, as I’m wrestling with these impulsive emotions, I decided to just let them cook by drafting my two-week notice. I called my homegirl to vent for the millionth time about how sick I was of this job and how I was ready to break free and do my own thing. Without missing a beat, she backed me up, suggesting I start writing my notice. “Already ahead of ya, sis!” I said as I began to recite to what I wrote so far, and then I heard a noise at the door.
*Keys jingle and the door creaks open*
I side-eyed the entrance, bracing myself for whatever was coming. The door swung open, and there stood my boyfriend/roommate at the time. “F*** my life,” he moped entering into the bedroom. “Huh? What’s going on with you?” I asked. “They just laid off half the team at my job. I’m out of work.”
“Oh damn…it’s gon work out. Don’t worry about it.” I said, trying to sound supportive while plotting how I could join him on that Funemployed boat. Now most people would probably reconsider such a hasty decision given that news, but I wasn’t about to let Satan get in the way of my promised land.
“Idc if I don’t have a plan, God told me all I needed was a mustard seed of faith. I know I at least have that!“
Then boom! reality kicked in that I was still on the hamster wheel as I got a ding in my inbox. It was my boss, sending me a write-up slip detailing how I wasn’t performing well, missing deadlines, and showing up late. I mean, how could you be late to a work-from-home job? So, I figured I’d do us both a favor and call it quits. There was a mutual loss of interest and it was time for us to part ways.
Okay, so now, I was completely committed to the dream. It’s either gon’ work, or it’s gon’ work! There was no other option. We can fast forward through the part where I go through a montage of faith-building exercises I like to call spiritual boot camp. From being separated from my children, multiple eviction cases, and feeling completely outcasted from society, just know shit got real.
Over the next two years, I had to tear my ego into little pieces and rebuild myself time and time again, all to reveal the powerful woman God created me to be. Being able to exist as my authentic self and generate a sustainable lifestyle has always been my goal. I don’t believe anybody came to Earth just to pay bills and die, which is why I created the Funemployed movement.
I want to see a world where everyone can do what they love and live abundantly, whether it’s grinding at a 9-to-5 or building your own empire…Life is too short to hate Mondays!
If you’re down to make that vision a reality, click here to join me on the other side!

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