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  /  Let's Heal   /  The Aftermath

The Aftermath

Okay, y’all I’m back…

Let me give you a quick recap, I know it’s been a min. 

So a couple weeks ago, I shared a very personal story on how I was healed from Herpes. 

It all started in 2017 when I moved back to Atlanta. I went down there thinking my kid’s dad would do all the heavy lifting…but when that co-dependent plan fell through, I was left struggling with my two boys, an unsteady income, and bills I couldn’t pay. Meanwhile, I met this guy who gave me some comfort while life was kicking my ass, and I ended up with Herpes. 

This was my reality check. I should have been focusing on how to provide for my family. I was searching for love in all the wrong places when I needed to be looking within. I made a decision to abstain from men until I saw the end of this life lesson. Over the course of 4 years, my diet, mindset, heart, and spirit went through a full transformation.

I started by transitioning into a vegan diet. I took all kinds of herbs and concoctions trying to rid my body of that virus. Once I realized I lacked the discipline to keep up with all the lifestyle changes, I got discouraged and took a break. 

Then, I lost my job entering the pandemic in March 2020. As I’m enjoying my fun-employment, I began to do something called shadow work. Which involves “diving into the unconscious material that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors,” according to therapist Akua Boateng, Ph.D. In other words, I was uncovering how and why I was sabotaging my own damn life! I had to accept that I put myself in these situations,  and I was the only one that could see myself out of it. 

I started journaling and reflecting on many suppressed beliefs that needed to be healed. I tackled my abandonment issues, social anxiety, low self-esteem, and other things I tried to forget about. 

In addition to journaling, I began to rewire my brain with new information. I came across an IG post from Big Sean, where he talked about some of the books that helped him on his spiritual path. 

Becoming Supernatural, was one of those books…and let me tell you, Dr. Joe changed my life! I started to use the techniques in his book and my spirit began to evolve. 

As I was melting away the ice blocks around my heart, I ended up putting myself in a situation that caused me to leave Georgia. I wasn’t managing my money properly, and I was in need of a drastic change.  

Seeing as how my checks were being signed by President Trump at the time, I decided against renewing my lease. I couldn’t keep setting myself up for failure. 

Originally me and my boys were going to stay with my cousin in Virginia for a few months, while I figure something out…but my oldest son asked if he could stay with his dad. It wasn’t a part of my plan, but I was grateful they had the opportunity to build their bond. Mine went to the store to get milk when I was twelve, so I appreciate their dad for wanting to step in. 

As I was in SC to sign my boys up for school, I reconnected with my sister. She invited me to her church to receive a prophecy. The prophetess, Ms.Valerie, told me I was very analytical…that I always had to figure something out… an Einstein. She saw me as a well-educated woman with a Master’s and Ph.D. She said I would be speaking on platforms because I am a commodity to the world. I was still thinking I could figure life out on my own, but receiving this message began to open my heart to a real connection with God. I was hopeful that my little detour to V.A. would be worth all the roadblocks. 

I continued to do my shadow work and using the healing techniques from Becoming Supernatural, which resulted in my spiritual awakening on 11/11/2020. 

I listened to this video in my sleep on 11/10 and the next day something magical happened!

I was reborn into my Higher Self. I purged over sixty pages of my thoughts that day. Releasing all the junk I had built up in my mind. I was vibrating on the frequency of unconditional love and removing anything that didn’t fit that description. 

The insights from a word doc where I compiled all of my writings from 11/11. I wrote all of this the same day.

After my awakening, my confidence was through the roof. In fact, I was feeling myself so much I thought I could fulfill my prophecy without God’s consent. I really tried to apply for a Ph.D. at Howard, with nothing but two community college courses in Psychology. I was really trippin, y’all! So I ended up choosing an online life coaching school which was more reasonable, but it still wasn’t the time for that! 

I thought I would attend school, start a mental health platform and pick up a job to learn screen printing…but everything came tumbling down. I ended up having to quit school, the screen print job never came through, I was denied the trademark for my mental health brand, and was completely lost as to why my life just never seemed to play out how I wanted it to. 

Then I realized it was because I wasn’t letting God handle it. I was too busy using my mind to manifest the things I wanted, while completely ignoring God’s plan. 

I broke down and asked God to step into my life. I surrendered and opened my heart to receive the life that was meant for me…and ever since I got on my knees, I’ve been getting showered with love!  

My last days in VA were literally magical. I was ready to step into my purpose of helping others heal, and I knew I needed my life partner to execute this next chapter. I asked God to send him to me ….and y’all why did we meet a few days later! We bumped into each other while strolling the neighborhood and it was an instant connection. I knew this was God delivering exactly what I asked for. Call that the Ciera Prayer! 

(Sidebar: Ciera is my middle name y’all lol) 

I was hesitant to tell him about my situation and went back to Ms.Valerie to ask for prayer over my healing. She gave me another prophecy and told me God already healed me because there’s a calling on my spirit. The following week, I got tested again to check for the virus and the results were negative!

During this time, I was also contacted on LinkedIn for a job opportunity. I didn’t believe I was qualified for it, but I was no longer letting my fears stop me from trying. I pursued the offer, despite my hesitation, and my boss ended up changing the job description to fit my skill set! There was no sending of resumes, no filling out job applications…just manifestation and prayer.

Now that I had a job, I was one step closer to gaining stability and getting back to my boys. I left VA and stayed in a shared Airbnb up the street from their dad’s place. My main goal was to get us back to Georgia, but I got caught up listening to outside influences. Second-guessing the vision, I applied for an apartment in South Carolina. My attempt to stray from the plan was intercepted, and my application was denied. I knew I wasn’t supposed to stay there. Spirit said just chill for a minute…

A month later, my Airbnb stay was coming to an end, and it was time for me to decide my next move. Out of the blue, I get a text from my old roommate asking if I needed a place to stay. You can’t tell me this wasn’t divine alignment! 

When my boys were out of school for the summer, I made my way back to Georgia to start the process of setting up our nest. 

Now, why did I spend the first two months playing around….enjoying the warm weather like I ain’t have shit to do? I was traveling back and forth from V.A. to S.C. to G.A. to see all of my boys. My poor little jeep was getting worked and she was breaking down left and right. I was off track once again and my pockets were paying for it.

God delivered me from my ailments and gave me the vision to help others. I was supposed to be preparing to share my testimony.

So I cracked down in August and began to undergo the final stages of my transformation. My deep-rooted fears were being released, and I removed all the shit that was holding me back from doing things like telling you this story!

I took this time to love on my inner child. Telling myself all the things I needed to hear growing up…Teaching myself the things I needed to know to prepare for my new life.

There were certain parts of me that needed reparenting, and I came up with tools and techniques to help with my lack of consistency and discipline. I taught myself how to set realistic goals and actually execute them. I introduced new habits like having a morning routine and a night routine. I did what needed to be done and made it through my Saturn’s Return.

The days before I released my story, I almost fell back into my codependency and asked my mom if she could co-sign on a place…but God led me to where I was supposed to be. I didn’t need any outside help to get into my apartment, which was a huge win for me. After 13 years of not having the skills to pay the bills, I finally made it across the finish line!

The following week, my story was posted on Baller Alert where over 100k people saw what God did for me. 

Low key I feel like God be playing favorites lol…like how is my life happening so easily? 

Now I’m building my tribe, settling into my new place, my boys are back, and my man is on his way from V.A. I prayed for ordered steps and every step I’ve made so far has been fruitful.

The plan is unfolding so perfectly, now I get to sit back and enjoy the ride.

With Love, 

Your Heauxlistic Homegirl 

Lain Doe 


Just so y’all know I’m not sharing my story to tell people how to heal from Herpes…this was my destiny. I’m sharing this so people can learn to utilize their own God-given powers to manifest a life worth living. I’m sharing this so people can understand that God’s power is bigger than all of us…and the more you connect to it, the easier life will be.


I’m putting together a series called “Shadoe Work”, where I will be sharing, in detail, the things I did to get to where I’m at now.

Click here to see what I’ve been up to! 👀 

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